Cat Beaten with Golf Club Seeking Forever Home
”I’m surprised she’s as friendly as she is after that…she just has the best attitude,” Ping’s foster said of the kitten who was almost beaten to death.
”I’m surprised she’s as friendly as she is after that…she just has the best attitude,” Ping’s foster said of the kitten who was almost beaten to death.
There’s a reason it’s called a catwalk and this is one fashion cat that proves it. A catwalk by definition The Collins English Dictionary says the following: catwalk noun a narrow ramp extending from the stage into the audience in a theatre, nightclub, etc, esp as used bymodels in a fashion show a narrow pathway over the stage of a theatre, along a bridge, etc And gives the word origin and history for the term catwalk as first noted in 1885 and describing it as: “long, narrow footway,” from cat (n.) … Read more
Getting kitty to use the litter box can be a struggle for some families, but it is important to look at a variety of contributing factors for all involved.
Mia was rescued in 2016 by her owner. Two years later, the cat returned the favor by alerting Michelle Pierson to breast cancer.
“She just ran, and I couldn’t find her,” the owner’s mother said. “I was just beside myself, going up and down Keystone (looking for her).”