Feline Struts its Stuff During Fashion Show Down Catwalk

There’s a reason it’s called a catwalk and this is one fashion cat that proves it. A catwalk by definition The Collins English Dictionary says the following: catwalk noun a narrow ramp extending from the stage into the audience in a theatre, nightclub, etc, esp as used bymodels in a fashion show a narrow pathway over the stage of a theatre, along a bridge, etc And gives the word origin and history for the term catwalk as first noted in 1885 and describing it as: “long, narrow footway,” from cat (n.) … Read more

Dog Saves Kitten Fallen into Hole in Wall

As to Ralphie, hard to say if he has learned his lesson or not from his adventure, but good to know the fine folks of Dublin are looking out for their furry four-legged friend. And so, too, are the dogs.