Rescue Kittens Help Those Feeling Loss of Loved Ones
Losing a family member is never easy, but two families with recent losses find love in the form of kittens with a special connection to their loved ones.
Losing a family member is never easy, but two families with recent losses find love in the form of kittens with a special connection to their loved ones.
Olive was placed in a freezer, squeezed, then tossed off a second-story balcony. Beth Stern, touched by her story, simply had to foster the 3-month-old kitten.
A woman risks her life diving underwater in a drain pipe to give a tiny precious kitten another chance at life.
When Kathryn Van Beek headed out for a walk after a rainstorm on November 5th, she never knew that her would would take her on a path of saving a life.
A four-year-old is being heralded as a hero for saving the life of a kitten. Camden Tolley and his mom, Sara, were on the way to preschool, when Camden heard something that wasn’t the rain or the morning rush traffic. He got his mom’s attention enough so Sara knew when she heard the cries there was a kitten in trouble.