Malaysian Busker Entertains Cutest Audience in the World
Once in a while, something magical happens. On a bleak evening, when no one seemed to care, four kittens were captivated by a man singing away in a Malaysian marketplace.
Once in a while, something magical happens. On a bleak evening, when no one seemed to care, four kittens were captivated by a man singing away in a Malaysian marketplace.
Dr. Sophia Yin was a renowned veterinarian and animal behaviorist who focused her life’s work on “pet-friendly” techniques for animal handling and behavior modification. Much of her work was based on developing new standards of care for professionals across the animal care spectrum, using scientific methodology and testing to support her Low Stress Handling™ … Read more
Cats have often found their way front and center when it comes to what could only be termed “job placement.” Whether a greeter at a hotel, cruising the book stacks of a local library, or keeping rats out of the brewer’s yeast, many thrive when it comes to a career. While some positions … Read more
It was the same as every evening. The couple let their cat out to play in the yard. The difference this time? The cat decided to take an unintended trip that would be far more adventurous than anyone expected.
What is better than a kitten? MORE kittens which is perhaps no better demonstrated that with Hallmark’s annual Kitten Bowl and practice has begun for the 2019 event. Aligned with the NFL’s Super Bowl, Kitten Bowl gives cat fans an alternative to game day television that is fraught with cuteness.