Fantastic Training Tips – Claws are A-Okay
An animal advocate and behaviorist with great insight into our pets, check out Amy Shojai’s thoughts on kitty and her claws.
An animal advocate and behaviorist with great insight into our pets, check out Amy Shojai’s thoughts on kitty and her claws.
Debbie Winkler, a certified animal behavior consultant, is co founder of Humane Domain, an Education and Training website that provides a variety of pet tips, classes and events, and resources. Here she provides some good, sensible advice for those with kitties who may be carrier adverse. Is your cat Carrier Crazy? By Deb Winkler … Read more
Dr. Sophia Yin was a renowned veterinarian and animal behaviorist who focused her life’s work on “pet-friendly” techniques for animal handling and behavior modification. Much of her work was based on developing new standards of care for professionals across the animal care spectrum, using scientific methodology and testing to support her Low Stress Handling™ … Read more