Kitten Learning to Walk After Losing Three Paws to Abuse
“We saw a cat lying down. We didn’t know what was wrong with it,” said the boy who found the kitten. “We saw the feet. There was nothing there but bones.”
“We saw a cat lying down. We didn’t know what was wrong with it,” said the boy who found the kitten. “We saw the feet. There was nothing there but bones.”
A sweet 9 week old kitten who was the victim of abuse when he was forcefully thrown into the air for a video captured on a phone is doing well and, amazingly, came out of his ordeal unharmed.
A police officer rescued a beautiful kitten thrown into traffic by “insensitive young men” and posed for this cute pic that was posted to Instagram.
Dr. Carlos Rodríguez cared for a tiny kitten that was cruelly injured by some children and posted a heartfelt video response after the kitten passed away.
Concerned citizens, police, Animal Control and a local rescue group have all pitched in to help a tiny kitten who was painted orange.