No Use for Fur Balls? These Cats Wear Them as Hats
They’re quirky and creative. You’ve never seen anything quite like these hats for cats made from the hair shed by three adorable Scottish Folds who live with photographer Ryo Yamazaki .
They’re quirky and creative. You’ve never seen anything quite like these hats for cats made from the hair shed by three adorable Scottish Folds who live with photographer Ryo Yamazaki .
Following up our recent article on the discovery of Viking cat DNA evidence, it may be fitting to honor your feline’s roots by getting him or her a Viking Hat.
Fascinated by the GoDaddy commercial featuring a (presumed) website featuring hats for cats, I went exploring around the Internet to see what kinds of things I could find that related to hats for cats. First and foremost, some of the sites I found had absolutely nothing to do with hats or cats or any combination thereof, so I am guessing it was just a random tag someone used to garner interest. It didn’t work. I didn’t look.