We recently shared a fascinating article about Scientists Find(ing) DNA Evidence of Viking Cats, detailing research that links cats to site in Northern Germany attributed to the Vikings. As the Vikings were seafarers and most likely wanted to keep their provisions rat free, when all is said and done, it does seem rather practical the remains of cats were found in the encampment. Cats, afterall, are the best pest control, something that has been known for centuries.
So it seems only fitting that in honor of your feline’s roots, you may want to get him or her a Viking Hat all their own. In fact, you can find one, rather two given the color variations, at Meredith Langley’s iheartneedlework store on Etsy. You may remember her interview as part of our Hats on Cats, Who Knew? story where she shared her love of creating a variety of hats for, well, cats. Of course, there are other Viking hats out there, too, so with Halloween right around the corner, perhaps it is the right time to celebrate your cats heritage. Now, please pass the salmon.