The Cat at the Cathedral has Even Met Her Majesty the Queen
Although she is noted as being a “dog person,” Queen Elizabeth has met Doorkins and it seemed she was impressed by the feline.
Although she is noted as being a “dog person,” Queen Elizabeth has met Doorkins and it seemed she was impressed by the feline.
‘(Henrietta) is doing very well for the moment but we worry that over time, as these strange legs grow, they will impinge on her movement and quality of life.”
For many, hitting “30,”a benchmark of sorts. But, for one kitty, it may just well mean he is the oldest cat in the world.
It may be Black Friday, but never fear! In this season of perpetual stress one thing is certain. Kittens can make everything better,
Claire Bass, of HSI, said, “We know the vast majority of British people reject the inherent cruelty of the fur trade but they are not getting the right information as consumers to avoid it.”