Bernice, the burned kitty on the mend, made the news last night and we’ve got the video. Otherwise, she continues to improve and heal.
Frank and Louis has entered the Guinness World Records as the longest lived cat of his kind. A local news crew visited the cat and his petmom this week, and their video feature accords the unusual cat the dignity and respect he deserves.
Bernice, the burned kitty on the mend, made the news last night and we’ve got the video. Otherwise, she continues to improve and heal.
Dexter kitten was rescued from a brutal assault by goodhearted children. The other kitten beaten by a 24 year old pregnant woman and her 5 and 8 year old boys did not survive. The woman is charged with felony animal abuse and a petition asks for serious prosecution in the case.
The moment of joy is captured as Terrla Cruse finds the cat she thought was lost forever, on the day she made her final visit to the debris piled site where her home once stood.