2-Legged Kitten Knows How to Get Around
Already missing his back legs from below the knee when rescued, it may seem like his life had the best start, but this guy is nothing short of being a miracle.
Already missing his back legs from below the knee when rescued, it may seem like his life had the best start, but this guy is nothing short of being a miracle.
“We’re usually not spontaneous people, but we knew that we were meant to love this kitty. Moon, the kitty, and Madden are the perfect companions for each other.”
Had no one stepped up and volunteered, this sweet girl would have been put down. Fortunately, someone did.
Her owner said of Smush,”If she wasn’t taken in by a pet rescue, she would have been euthanized and she wouldn’t be here today.”
“Hopefully she can bring hope to people in situations they didn’t choose to be in. She’s a survivor.”