Pet Behavior: Kittens Bundles of Fun…and Work

Pauline Dewberry is an experienced Pet Behaviorist, but she isn’t one of those folks who has studied and never gone through the application of training to household as can sometimes with the case when experts give advice. She knows cats. Personally.

Preparations Under Way for Kitten Bowl VI

What is better than a kitten? MORE kittens which is perhaps no better demonstrated that with Hallmark’s annual Kitten Bowl and practice has begun for the 2019 event. Aligned with the NFL’s Super Bowl, Kitten Bowl gives cat fans an alternative to game day television that is fraught with cuteness.

Corgi Who Lost Her Litter Adopts Kitten

Irma lost a litter of seven puppies at birth. Her owner, Johanna, noticed a dramatic change in the dog’s mood and decided to see if she might be able to help. Adopting a kitten, Johanna hoped the tiny addition to their home would help Irma get back to being her old self. And it seems … Read more