New videos, show the darling special needs kitten joyfully at play.
We shared Dot’s story in January, when she was accepted by Tabby’s Place, a cage free cat sanctuary in Ringoes, NJ. Special Needs Kitten Dot Arrives at Tabby’s Place gave a recap of Dot’s life up to the time of the move. Dot was born with spina bifida in a garage in Virginia in the fall of 2011, and was initially cared for by local rescuers. Dot needed special care in a special environment, so her caregivers and friends were happy when Tabby’s Place became her new home.
Dot has a nice little space, she is happy and playful, and she is getting medical help. Video visits with dot show how beautifully she is coming along in her new home, and how her condition does not slow her down from being a typical kitten.
The Dot-Kitten with Spina Bifida Facebook page, which was started to spread the word about Dot and find her a home, remains an active gathering place for news and updates, and beautiful pics of the sweet little girl.
At play, in Dot gets Her Gunther, March 28:
Dot’s pad at Tabby’s Place, March 2:
Dot’s excellent adventure, March 25: Dot has a playpen set up just for her in the lobby of Tabby’s Place. But what if something she wants isn’t in the playpen?