Kitten Has Unusual Babysitter…a Rat!
When a kitten with feline leukemia needed companionship, the solution turned out to be a wonderful surprise.
When a kitten with feline leukemia needed companionship, the solution turned out to be a wonderful surprise.
Debbie came across a tiny kitten she presumed was about 3-4 months old during TNR. A good adoption candidate, the vet results showed the little girl was FeLv+.
A woman is looking for some assistance, shelters or forever homes, for seven kittens in the Wisconsin area, with Feline Leukemia.
Thanks to the work of Dr. Litster, her team, the shelter volunteers, and the cats that participated in the study, going forward rescues, shelters, and animal organizations can continue to grow and pursue adoption efforts on the behalf of all FIV-positive felines.
When Cupid was rescued on Feb. 14, 2014, a vet said the kitten would probably not live for a year. His is doing great and will celebrate his 1st Gotcha Day on Valentine’s Day.