CAT POUCH: Feline Fashionista?
Not quite sure this is a real fashion statement. It’s a statement, but one the cat doesn’t seem to agree with.
Not quite sure this is a real fashion statement. It’s a statement, but one the cat doesn’t seem to agree with.
Go ahead. Tell your friends this is something you never do…or have ever done. Keep telling them that and maybe, just maybe, you will convince yourself.
A lot of dads are very good at making themselves comfortable anywhere, but would be hard pressed to match these cats.
Many of you have seen the hilarious movie stills that have replaced key characters, like the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park or villains from Star Wars, with cats and kittens. Those creations came from the creative mind of one super-talented gal named, Caetlyn Van Buren. So, being the curious sort, I reached out to Caetlyn to find out more. And gosh, there was a lot to learn.
There are many who have both their scientific and not-so-scientific reasons for thinking the world would be a horrid place without cats. Here are several different schools of thoughts.