There are many who have both their scientific and not-so-scientific reasons for thinking the world would be a horrid place without cats. Here are several different schools of thoughts.
Cats play an important role in the eco system. Their official place in the food chain is that of rodent control. If they were ever to disappear, there would be cataclysmic results. Our ecological system requires all species to do their part. An article on LiveScience refers to studies conducted in Great Britain, 1997, that looked at the average number of dead animals a cat brought into the household in a six-month period (11) and another, done in New Zealand, 1979, that found when cats were eliminated from a small island, the rodent population quadrupled. Long story short, without cats, there would be significant issues with our ecological system.
However, there are others that have also looked at what kind of world it would be without cats. More observational than scientific, these also have some interesting claims. Pleated-jeans, for example, has a unique perspective in that, among others, the Internet would be boring, and laser pointer sales would be way down.
Buzzfed, too, had their own take on This Is What The World Would Be Like Without Cats, including horrifying thoughts like no cat videos or cats playing the piano. To further solidify the position on the matter, truth posted an additional article called 16 Highly Scientific Reasons the World Desperately Needs Cats citing important examples such as their understanding of fashion and the need for rest.
For all the evidence, both substantiated and philosophical in nature, the answer remains clear that the world needs cats.