Anakin The Two Legged Cat Rolling Around on the Porch
Anakin, Mika & The Gang Love to be out on the screened porch. Mika, George, Trixie, & Zoe like to lounge on the porch BUT not Anakin! Little Man Anakin rolls and rolls around on the ground!
Anakin, Mika & The Gang Love to be out on the screened porch. Mika, George, Trixie, & Zoe like to lounge on the porch BUT not Anakin! Little Man Anakin rolls and rolls around on the ground!
Anakin & Mika LOVE playing games for cats on the iPad. Here they are taking turns swatting at fast fish, fluttering butterflies and noisy mice as they tease the boys on the iPad screen.
Mika & Anakin both love this colorful bird feather toy. Here are The Boys taking turns playing with it. Mika just goes on and on licking and biting the feathers. They must really taste good!
What a difference a few months makes! Anakin and his new sibling Mika have become BFFs. They really are just like two brothers now.
Two legged miracle kitty Anakin and his new special needs sibling Mika play fight like the feisty boys they are! They play pretty rough but don’t hurt each other. At the end of the video Anakin gives Mika a little bath.