What’s square, fuzzy, whiskered, boosts girls’ self esteem, and is flying off toy store shelves?
Ever heard of a Squaredy Cat? These 4-by-4 inch kitty cubes, designed by Brooklyn couple, Kurt Marquart and Elaine de la Mata, are becoming wildly popular with tween girls across the country. In addition to the whimsical design of the fuzzy felines, they each have a unique personality that is shown by its expression and an empowering message on its side. Every pre-teen girl needs reminders like Honey’s message, “Not squared to be smart,” or Giggles’, “Not squared to act silly.”
Not only are Squaredy Cats cute and inspirational, they are selling out toy stores everywhere. “Toys ‘R’ Us restocks every week,” says de la Mata. “The Times Square store has been selling out every week. We’ve heard about stores in Florida, California, Long Island, Westchester selling out — and those are just the ones that people are telling us about. So they’re doing well.” Eight of the cubed cats are now available for purchase and the couple is currently working on a second series.
The Squaredy Cats Facebook page is abuzz with fan art; some girls even create and post their own designs (see the video below for a taste of their artistic flair). In a world where young girls need encouragement, Squaredy Cats gives them paws for inspiration…and a pretty cute cuddle-buddy.