Garfield is 40 Lbs of Love, But… . Garfield is the latest and largest overweight cat to end up at a shelter when their owner died or became too infirm to care for them. Garfield’s caregivers at North Shore Animal League have taken the opportunity to write about the problem of and solutions to feline obesity.
North Shore Animal League
Cats and Dogs Find Homes in Huntsville
50 cats and dogs found homes when the Tour For Life brought them to a Walmart in Huntsville, AL for a pet event last Sunday. The event was one stop on the coast-to-coast tour held by the North Shore Animal League, in partnership with local shelters.
Shop, Save and Give, With MrChewy
Any reader opening a new account with online pet supplies merchant and using our code can receive 10% off their first order, while triggering a $10 donation to Best Friends Animal Society, Bideawee, and North Shore Animal League.