Pip, the adorable kitten born with bent front legs who was rescued by Tenth Life and stands as a shining example of a special needs kitty living a full and good life, has secured his forever home, has his own Facebook page, and is on a quest to become a guest on the Ellen Degeneres show. Pip is extraordinarily charming and would make the case beautifully on Ellen‘s show that cats with birth anomalies, injuries or other differences from the norm are deserving of a chance at life and can make wonderful companions.
Pip in Kearney, NE, before his rescue.
Pip began his journey in Kearney, NE, where a woman named Crystena reached out online to get him help. Facebook networking among well known special needs cat pages brought Pip to Tenth Life Cat Rescue, in St. Louis, MO. We tell more of Pip’s story in Pip Gets a New Chance at the Good Life at Tenth Life, a post from June 3 of this year. That post is illustrated with stunning portraits of Pip by photographer David Carlyon.
Pip is a very special kitten with permanently bent front legs. This condition necessitates that he use an army crawl to get around, but that doesn’t slow him down. Pip demonstrates his verve and ability to play and to get around in his video The Amazing Pip!
Tenth Life Executive Director Elizabeth Frick said of Pip back at the begginning of June, “He plays like a normal kitten, runs about on his front elbows, tries to engage other kitties in play, and purrs like a madman when petted and snuggled. And possibly the best part… his hind feet have extra toes!!!
“He’s an amazing little cat – very sweet-tempered and loves every other cat he’s met. He eagerly greets new friends and, when growled/hissed at by an elder, he rolls onto his back and assumes a submissive position. Pip is so playful and frisky; it is clear that his disability does not impeded his fun at all!”
His veterinarian advised waiting for Pip to grow before any decisions were made about whether to provide surgery or leg straightening therapy for him.
Pip was fostered by Tenth Life Director Elizabeth Frick, who wrote us earlier this month to say he had found his forever home. The rescue organization made this annoncement of Pip’s adoption at their Facebook page on August 2:
“Pip’s foster mom was our very own executive director, Elizabeth Frick. Over time, it became increasingly evident that not only was Elizabeth smitten with Pip, but the feeling was mutual. She reports, “Pip follows me everywhere throughout my house. He perches on my shoulder when I work, rolls around in my lap, begging me to pet him, and when I come home from a meeting he rushes to the door, meowing excited greetings. Pip would happily ride in my arms all day long if he could, and I realized with each passing day that I just couldn’t part with this special little cat!”
“That love, coupled with the unpredictability of Pip’s future needs, made the decision clear. And so, for only the second time in the organization’s 3.5-year existence, Elizabeth caved in to a cat’s irresistibility and adopted sweet Pip.”
Elizabeth told us, “I have to say, he’s MUCH cuter in person – loves everyone, wants to be carried everywhere, mutters to himself in this sweet little nasal meow.”
Now that Pip has his forever home he remains a special friend of Tenth Life, but has his own Facebook page. Just yesterday, Pip asked his fans to lobby Ellen to have him appear on her show. Having seen each of them on video (Elizabeth in a video about the Trash Bag Kittens, we cannot think of more suited representatives to speak for special needs kitties than Elizabeth and Pip.
Tenth Life Cat Rescue saves stray cats & kittens in the St. Louis area, giving priority to those with special needs or medical conditions. They save cats from the dangers of street life and place them in foster homes until they are adopted, while networking with other local rescues and veterinarians to locate and treat special needs and other stray cats who would otherwise be euthanized. Tenth Life also takes kittens from other areas, under special conditions.
You can follow them on Facebook and at Twitter: @tenthlifecats.
Pip’s new page at Facebook is Pip the Wonder Kitty.
Pip’s incredible photos were taken by David Carlyon of Darkwood Studio.