Have you ever looked at a cat, curled up on itself and napping in a sunbeam and thought I wish that could be me? Well, thanks to You Are A Cat!, a “pick-a-plot” book by Montreal-based illustrator Sherwin Tjia, you can live vicariously as one Holden Catfield; However, readers will quickly discover that a day-in-the-life of a feline is far more perilous than one might assume.
Despite being a throw-back to the choose-your-own adventure gamebook fad of the 80’s, You Are A Cat! is not for children, nor even the faint of heart. Richly illustrated and skilfully penned,You Are A Cat! transcends its own gimmick, using various narratives to paint vignettes of the dysfunctional family that owns Holden, as well as to capture the harrowing world beyond the cat door, from hoarders and sociopaths to cars and tomcats.The simplest decisions, be they to nap or purr, can change the entire course of your furry little life. It’s a good thing you have nine to work with!
You Are A Cat! is published by Conundrum Press, and can be bought directly from their website.
For the Toronto Standard interview with the author, click here.