An upbeat and inspiring video brings us up to date on the wonderful progress of a kitten named Lua, who is being rehabilitated in the care of VOKRA (the Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association).
Due to an unfortunate “crushing” accident when she became trapped under an appliance and was injured when her former family tried to bring her out, Lua lost the use of her hind legs. VOKRA took her in following the accident.
At the time of our October 26 post, Lua the Brave and Beautiful Kitten, that featured a video of the same name, Lua was already making amazing progress toward regaining the use of her hind limbs through a combination of therapies, along with the tender, loving care shown by her foster mom, VOKRA volunteer Dania Sheldon.
VOKRA committed themselves to helping the very sweet and lovable kitten get back as much of her lost mobility as possible, and they are seeing great progress.
This heartwarming video update by VOKRA volunteer Doug Brown show Lua’s continued progress and a wonderful milestone she’s achieved, while also showing her sweet and playful nature.
Doug Brown writes in his intruduction to the video, “Thanks to the wonderful work of VOKRA (the Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Assoc.) and the dedication of their volunteers cats and kittens like Lua are given every chance in the world at having the best life possible.”
Video by VOKRA supporter, self-described cat butler, and cat video creator Doug Brown, aka DrNworb.
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