How do I get my cat to use the litter box?
Alana Stevenson, Cat Behaviorist, answers questions from Life with Cats readers.
Alana Stevenson, Cat Behaviorist, answers questions from Life with Cats readers.
The NJ State Senate voted unanimously yesterday in support of Patrick’s Law, to increase punishments for animal abuse and neglect.
Alana Stevenson, Cat Behaviorist, answers questions from Life With Cats readers.
A FL man terrorized his wife as he beat her three month old kitten to death earlier this month. Sen. Mike Fasano, sponsor of the Little Horatio’s Law and Dexter’s Law animal protection bills says the case shows the need for the bills to pass into law.
Sen. Mike Fasano, who filed the Dexter’s Law animal abuser registry bill, also introduced SB 288 which will grant pets the same protection from domestic violence, if passed, as people.