Dentist Helps Cat with Broken Jaw

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By Karen Harrison Binette

Veterinary nurse Charlotte Blackburn Duncan with Minnie, the four year old cat helped by a dentist and a vet when her jaw and teeth needed work following an accidental injury.


A Scottish cat got help from a dentist who treats humans when her jaw needed to be reset following an accident.

Minnie the cat, from Carnoustie Scotland, UK, suffered a severe accidental injury to her jaw that required medical attention. Her owner took her to Wallace Veterinary Centre, but their veterinary dental specialist was on holiday and unavailable to help.

Wallace vet Niall Morton says Minnie’s injuries appear to have been caused by a brush with a moving car or a serious fall. To get her the help she needed, he contacted his friend Gary Grimes, a dentist with Monifieth Dental Clinic. Dr. Grimes agreed to help.

In an hour-long procedure, Minne was anesthetized and the combined veterinary and dental team set to work putting a splint in her jaw to help reset it into the proper position.

The little patient is recovering well, and her doctors say they’ll be able to tell in a few weeks whether the splint has worked and the jaw is well set back in place.

Dr. Grimes says he was happy to help and would do so again if the need arises.

The dentist said, “It was a bit different. I got a call from my pal Niall at the weekend. A little cat had been in an accident, and its jaw had been knocked out of place.

“Usually there would be a specialist veterinary dentist who would do it, but he was on holiday.

“So I went over to Niall’s practice on Monday night to splint the cat’s jaw in place.”

“It was fun, it was interesting.

“Niall got the cat’s jaw back into the correct position, and I had to splint the teeth using the exact same kit I use for human patients. It’s a resin that we set, the stuff we use for white fillings.”


Dr. Grimes, left, and Dr. Morton , right, work on Minnie.

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