Patches: A Boy and His Cat


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By Karen Harrison Binette

Reddit user reknaps uploaded these deeply heartwarming and expressive photos of a loving boy and his equally loving cat a few months ago, with this introduction:

Patches the Cat:

Surprised my 10 year old on his birthday by letting him bring home a cat from the shelter. His cat was the runt of the litter, shy, and timid. When asked why he picked that cat he said “I don’t know, he just seemed so special.” I think they were meant for each other.






 Imgur slideshow with the above images.  <via Reddit>


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6 thoughts on “Patches: A Boy and His Cat”

  1. You raised him so well. The love for animals is great. Lovely photo’s.
    I wish you all lots of happiness with this cat.
    Greatingg from Hetty from The Netherlands.

  2. ya .. the cat is really happy and looks very healthy
    sometimes the personality of the person really reflect on how they treat animals .. and this boy is so sweet

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